Consumer Products
Rayvel’s consumer products bring the beauty and utility of holographic technology to the real world. Each is crafted to our exacting standards.

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Rayvel Consumer Products

Unique holographic artwork for all occasions!
Framed Natural Light or Illuminated Holographic Artwork

$29.95 + $4.95 S&H

The Sanskrit symbol OM is the cosmic vibration as interpreted by and voiced by humans. The concentric swirls and rays of light with colors spanning the rainbow, evoke a sense of mystical meditation. This image was reverently crafted by Rayvel pioneering holographic artist Tom Cvetkovich. The artist integrates his knowledge of the nature of light with his desire to bring brilliant illumination into everyday life. It is the product of his meticulous efforts to harmonize and record light waves. This piece is finely displayed between glass panes mounted in a table stand – a perfect gift for the yoga enthusiast.

$29.95 + $4.95 S&H

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